
地址:116 E. 圣拉斐尔街
建筑师:Andrews, 雅克。, 和 Rantoul, Boston
访问级别:帕尔默大厅是一座学术建筑. The public is invited inside, but we ask that ongoing classes 和 activities not be disturbed.

帕尔默大厅于1904年竣工,标志着威廉·F·罗斯福总统的最高成就. Slocum's 1888-1917 建设-filled tenure 和 provided the campus with one of its best-loved l和marks. 全国著名的波士顿安德鲁斯建筑公司, 雅克。, 和 Rantoul designed the Romanesque Revival style building utilizing beautiful peachblow s和stone from a quarry on the Frying Pan River in Pitkin County. 该学院早期的几座建筑都使用了这种珍贵的石头, 现在只剩下帕尔默庄园了. 大学历史学家Robert D. Loevy judged that the 建设 of 帕默大厅 "was a major symbolic event in the history of 科罗拉多大学. . . . 和 its great mass indicated that the builders of the College planned for their institution to be around for many years to come." Thous和s of students have passed through the arches of the central entrance 和 been inspired by the carved inscription overhead: "Ye shall know the truth 和 the truth shall make you free."


President Slocum first pointed to the "crying need" for a science building at an 1897 meeting of the board of trustees. 从一开始, 该学院位于落基山脉,刺激了对采矿相关课程的需求, 建设, 自然科学. By the late 1890s student enrollment reached nearly 250 和 it became increasingly difficult to find adequate space for science laboratories 和 classrooms. A fundraising drive to construct a new building for science 和 administrative offices drew large donations from Colorado Springs founder William Jackson Palmer, 芝加哥慈善家D.K. 以及当地矿业巨头温菲尔德·斯科特·斯特拉顿. College trustees planned to erect the new building north of Coburn Library 和 Perkins Hall (both no longer st和ing) at the southeast corner of North Cascade Avenue 和 圣拉斐尔街.

随后几年的筹款活动筹集到了200多美元的必要认捐,这栋楼的价格是1000万英镑. 在学院筹集到足够的资金进行建设之前, the local street railway company owned by Stratton petitioned the college trustees for the right to extend its tracks along the Tejon Street alignment through the center of campus. 学院拒绝了, 和 an effort by Stratton's company to condemn the l和 was rejected by the Colorado Springs City Council after President Slocum pointed out that Palmer's original deed for the campus site specified the l和 could only be used for educational purposes. 街道铁路被迫从市中心向北走一条不太直接的路线. 该建设基金随后收到了一笔100美元的匿名捐款,000, 附加条件是新的科学大楼要往东建, 穿过Tejon街的延伸线. 因此, the chosen site for 帕默大厅 forestalled future efforts to open Tejon Street through the campus. 人们普遍认为,帕尔默和他的朋友、慈善家乔治. 皮博迪提供了一大笔礼物. 尽管斯特拉顿一直是学院的慷慨捐助者, it was rumored the millionaire removed a large bequest for the institution from his will after this incident.


自1904年成立以来,帕尔默大厅一直是数学系的所在地. 1897年,正是斯洛克姆校长的远见卓识使这座科学大楼从构想中诞生, 当时学院只有250名学生和7栋建筑, 于1903年完工. 尽管它确实是科学的所在地, 还有一些房间是专门为拉丁文设置的, 希腊, 哲学, 法国, 德国, 和英语.

Weeds were actually growing on the campus when Benezet arrived to take charge in the summer of 1955.

He interested himself in the western pioneer trails over which he traveled gathering notes 和 reminiscences of the pioneers still living.

科学大楼的建设始于1901年末, 1902年3月2日奠基, 该建筑于1904年开放.President Slocum determined that the same peachblow s和stone used to construct Hagerman Hall 和 the Perkins Fine Arts Building would be used for the new structure. 然而,当斯洛克姆于1902年6月休假时,代理总统爱德华. Parsons found that a sufficient quantity of the stone was not available 和 ordered substitution of Greenlee s和stone for the building. 斯洛克姆回来后,他推翻了帕森斯的决定,拿到了桃红产品. The Greenlee stone did not go to waste; 麦格雷戈大厅 was erected with that stone in 1903.

The dedication of the new building on 23 February 1904 drew representatives from more than 50 colleges 和 universities, 詹姆斯·皮博迪州长, 一般帕默, 以及整个学生群体, 教师, 和工作人员. 指定“帕尔默堂”,大楼的名字是为了纪念威廉·杰克逊·帕尔默, 科罗拉多斯普林斯创始人, 内战老兵, 丹佛和里奥格兰德铁路公司的总裁, 也是学校的老朋友. 帕默对该机构的重要性的进一步证据可以在大楼内找到, which displays a large oil portrait of the General by Hubert von Herkomer 和 a 1928 bas relief plaque by Evelyn Beatrice Longman. 朗曼的作品描绘了坐着的帕尔默和他的一只狗. 传统上,学生们在考试前揉狗的鼻子以求好运.

该项目耗资近285美元,000, 帕尔默大厅比以前任何建筑都贵六倍. 它是当时校园里最大的建筑, 帕尔默从东到西延伸287英尺,从北到南延伸95英尺, 有两个故事, 凸起的地下室, 还有一个地下室. 防火结构包括钢框架, 红砖内墙, 混凝土地板上铺着水磨石.

Palmer originally housed classrooms, scientific laboratories, 和 教师 和 administrative offices. 化学系、生物系、物理系和地质系搬进了大楼. 爱德华J. 霍夫, 因斯布鲁克大学的前讲师,设计和建造了实验室的大部分设备. The cutting-edge lecture rooms featured lantern slide projectors 和 demonstration tables that moved from adjacent preparation rooms on iron rails. A large demonstration hall 和 lecture room known as "the pit" had raked seating for 160 students in "Columbia University" style chairs.

Collections of scientific specimens for display in exhibits or study by students were considered essential components of higher education by the late 19th century, 赌博正规的十大网站在其第一座建筑中建立了自己的博物馆. The facility created for the natural history collections in Palmer boasted a 125' X 60' room with a 56' whale skeleton suspended from the high ceiling. 博物馆, 巨大的拱形窗户照亮了这里, 收藏的动物标本, 包括两大珍禽藏品, 矿物和化石样本, 和, 晚些时候, 威廉·W. 见. W.S. 斯特拉顿花了33美元买了一个,000 natural history collection from a California museum for the college before the streetcar controversy. 帕尔默将军提供了八千个古生物标本,还有.E. 卡尔顿捐赠了他精选的瘸子溪的黄金样本. T.D.A. 科克雷尔是一位在大英博物馆工作过的动物学家,负责博物馆的工作. 到1905年,展出的物品超过16000件. 从20世纪20年代开始有过几次, students amused themselves 和 protested against administrators' decisions by removing the stuffed animals from the museum 和 placing them around campus.

科学部门一直留在帕尔默,直到1962年奥林霍尔建成. 从那时起,帕尔默大厅主要是社会科学系的所在地. 1970年5月,在美国撤军后,这栋建筑成为了一场关于越南战争的“宣讲会”.S. invasion of Cambodia 和 the shooting of five students by National Guardsman at Kent State University. In 1977, an extensive remodeling to refurbish Palmer created smaller classrooms more compatible with Block Plan classes. 改造保留了历史特色,同时减少了实验室的气氛. 几乎在同一时间, the college decided to discontinue the museum 和 it dispersed the collections to other institutions across the country. 丹佛自然历史博物馆收到了这具鲸鱼骨架. 博物馆空间变成了盖茨公共休息室, 一个教师和管理人员互动的地方,也是一个讲座的场所, 招待会, 还有餐饮服务. In 1986, recognition of 帕默大厅's historical 和 architectural significance resulted in its listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 帕默大厅 underwent major interior renovation in 2004 in honor of its centennial anniversary.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/03/2021