
CC maintains a carefully vetted list of programs around the world that we partner with for the education abroad of our students, many opportunities exist every 一年 for CC faculty to work more closely with our global partner programs--for site visits, 会议, 还有休假教学的机会.

See below for a regularly-updated listing of upcoming opportunities for site visits, 申请截止日期. Ongoing/sabbatical teaching opportunities are listed at the bottom of the page.

Limited funding may be available from the Christian Johnson Endeavor Fund (CJE) to support your participation; 博士联系. 艾伦Bertsche, 全球教育总监, 有关这些基金的更多信息, 或者希瑟·鲍威尔·布朗, 全球教育部副主任, to learn more about our partner programs and these opportunities.

教师实地考察 & 考察

Our 科罗拉多大学 partner programs and universities around the world occasionally offer faculty opportunities to visit their programs and become familiar with the offerings, in order to enhance student advising and supports available back on the CC campus, also to strengthen the curricular and departmental bonds and understanding between these partner programs and CC academics.


一般, candidates for financial support for international site visits and partner program familiarization trips will be identified by 全球教育, in accordance with departmental goals and potential impact to the College’s internationalization efforts. 在支付基金时将考虑的因素包括:

  • Willingness of faculty member to be an ongoing liaison for the study abroad opportunity within their department or program, to offer feedback to the study abroad program on curricular connections or suggested alignments within the CC curriculum
  • Openness to serving as an ongoing campus resource / faculty advisor for future students who are interested in the program
  • 的 level of interest from CC students in the specific program or opportunity

因为这笔资金有限, it is appreciated when faculty participating in site visits can investigate other funding opportunities as well, 在适当的情况下从他们的部门或部门. Program providers abroad may also have grants/funding support on an as-needed basis.


If you are specifically interested in any of these opportunities, please reach out to Heather Powell Browne in 全球教育 and we will be happy to discuss options with you.



中国国际交流中心访问学者: http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad-visiting-faculty
Join the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) as a guest instructor in the Open Campus program at one of their Global Institutes in 柏林, 开普敦, 伦敦, 马德里, 巴黎, 罗马, 哥本哈根, 圣地亚哥, 里约热内卢, 或布宜诺斯艾利斯. 的 Open Campus modules are roughly similar to the Block Plan.

成为一个 说客座教授 (哥本哈根):
教师 are invited to apply to teach an upper division 3-credit course for one semester at 说 in 哥本哈根. 这种国际合作有利于我们自己的教师, 喜欢知识分享的人, 旨在深化我们的机构伙伴关系.

前辈们 提供:

  • 教学经费 for Consortium faculty on sabbatical to teach a course at select 前辈们 Abroad Centers for a semester at the 前辈们 Centers in Barcelona, 柏林, 开普敦, 欧盟计划(弗莱堡), 德国), 弗莱堡, 格拉纳达, 伦敦, 马德里, 米兰, 巴黎, 罗马, 或维也纳
  • 研究经费 for faculty members from 前辈们 Abroad member schools to visit an 前辈们 Abroad Center for up to a month to engage in their own re搜索 that relates to the Center's curriculum, 给讲座, collaborate with 前辈们 Abroad faculty while gaining in-depth knowledge of the Center
  • 教师 Development Seminars: these take place on-site at 前辈们 Centers around the world. 他们提供本地的和美国的.S. faculty the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of common interest, 包括教学问题, 会影响项目的发展. 

ACM 日本研究部驻地主任 - 在东京早稻田大学学习一整年
的 Japan Study Resident Director spends an academic 一年 at Waseda University in Tokyo with 30-40 students. This position is open to Japan specialists and non-specialists, Resident Directors in past 一年s have included tenured and tenure-track faculty from all ranks. 的 申请截止日期为4月30日 16个月后开始的学年. 资料及应用.

布达佩斯数学学期 提供了一个 主任数学家驻校计划(DMiR), conducted under the direction of the BSM North American office. 本课程对个别教员开放, as well as to re搜索 teams of two or more scholars applying jointly. 在春天度过三个星期, 夏天, or fall as the BSM Director's Mathematician in Residence in beautiful Budapest, enjoy a unique opportunity for professional development, 网络, 以及与匈牙利著名数学家的合作. 获得宝贵的国际经验, as well as a firsthand look at the BSM program and all it offers to participating undergraduate students. 的 program funds travel to Hungary and housing in Budapest. Office space, internet access, a math library are also available. 除了提供国内支持之外, local BSM staff will coordinate a social program including an orientation, 城市之旅, 欢迎宴会. 教师 members accepted to the program (DMiR scholars) will be expected to be available to BSM students two to three hours per week and to give a short lecture series, 针对BSM学生, 关于他们的研究领域.


雅典大学 (自保”, 它提供学期, 一年, 夏天 programs) has a long tradition of inviting exceptional senior scholars from the U.S. 和欧洲在雅典教书 访问教师 一个学期或一年. Professors who are authorities in their fields have taught at CYA through the 一年s, contributing to the enrichment of our academic offerings and the advancement of our academic community’s intellectual endeavors. 联系 亚莉克希亚Lingaas, Associate Director in the CYA North American Office to learn more.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/30/2023